Find an English-speaking lawyer, solicitor or attorney in Oslo.
Navigating the Norwegian legal system can be intimidating for a foreigner, no matter how good your language skills.
Newcomers can often be in need of legal help in Oslo for anything from immigration issues to employment law.
It's important to hire a legal professional that specialises in the area of law you require. Some specific skills you can hire in Oslo include:
- Immigration, visa and work permit help
- Employment law
- Tax affairs and estate planning
- Family law, including marriage and divorce
- Criminal law
- Property law
- Business law
How to find the right lawyer in Oslo for you
The biggest problem faced by English speakers in Oslo is knowing where to start in their search for an attorney.
The ability to speak, listen and understand English is relevant of course, but much more important is the professional's ability and experience in their chosen specialism.
By using this free service from Tjenestetorget, you can briefly describe your situation and obtain three quotes from legal teams that are ready and willing to take on your case.
Although the website is in Norwegian, it is super simple to use even if your Norwegian isn't great. Click through to Tjenestetorget and choose between general advice (generelt) or a specific case (konkret sak).
Select the topic from the drop-down box, add your postal code (postnummer) and then enter brief details in the text box. Make sure you specify that you require an English-speaking professional, even if you're writing in English.
Give all the details you need in order to get a realistic quote, making sure not to reveal any sensitive personal information. In the other boxes, fill out your name, email address and telephone number. That's it!
Within 48 hours, you will be contacted by up to 3 legal teams that have been identified as the best suited to your personal circumstances.
Tjenestetorget has helped more than 70,000 people across Scandinavia through their network of more than 6,000 professional services firms.
I was student here in Norway I have completed my degree here and i found a job and applied for skilled worker visa but i got refused they have told me i have right to appeal mu student visa is expiring on 28th Feb 2019. I have not taken job seeking visa so what should I do?
I’m a british working in Ghana. I married a Ghanaian lady in Accra Ghana. She applied for a visa to travel with me to Norway to visit a friend but the embassy refused her because they said our marriage is not registered in Uk. Following that I inquired from the Uk General Registry office (GRO). The answer was that there is no UK law in that regards yet the UDI has refused her appeal.