This unique rock formation known as the “Troll's Dick” was vandalised, but a successful crowdfunding campaign has ensured its restoration. The world's media have gone crazy for the story.
At the end of June, reports began to emerge that a well-known rock formation in Norway had been vandalised. Joggers near Egersund on Norway's south coast found the rock – said to resemble an erect penis – had been severed with power tools.
Such is the love Norwegians have for the outdoors, a crowdfunding campaign set up to raise funds for its restoration was successful in no time at all. Donations smashed through the target of 200,000kr and with 13 days still remaining, the total sits at 227,643kr at the time of writing.
Local contractor Bertelsen & Garpestad and Norwegian engineering firm Aker Solutions have started the work to restore the rock formation to its former glory. As it now looks like some spare cash will be left over, the fundraising page promises the rest will be used to create a better trail, better signs and better parking conditions.

Around 30,000 people reportedly tuned in to watch the restoration works on a live stream, according to local newspaper Dalane Tidende. Tourists will have to wait another few weeks to properly see Trollpikken, as the the glue, cement and metal fastenings used to fix the phallic rock need time to seal properly.
Ironically, the local tourist authorities had been discussing ways to increase tourism to Trollpikken. As it's now as famous as Preikestolen and Trolltunga, their only problem is now going to be too many people going to see it! The local newspaper reported “hundreds” of people made the 2.3km walk last weekend.
What the media said
If you're not a fan of double entendres, look away now. The world's media, seemingly led by the British tabloids, have been following this story with great interest, and competing with one another for the best headlines. Here's a selection:
Re-Erection: Norway’s ‘troll penis’ rock formation rises again after vandals snapped it off (The Sun)
Penis-shaped rock rises again back up to its former glory thanks to 33 feet of scaffolding, iron wedges and concrete (Mail)
Rise of Trollpikken! Norway re-erects ‘troll penis’ rock (RT)
Eksperter tror Trollpikken blir turistmagnet / Experts think Trollpikken will be a tourist magnet (NRK)
Norwegians are raising money to give vandalized penis-shaped rock formation a lift (Kansas City Star)
Some Dick Destroyed Norway's Beloved Troll Penis Rock (Gizmodo)
Norway's ‘troll penis' re-erected (iAfrica)
Vandals Have Destroyed Norway’s Most Phallic Rock (Atlas Obscura)
Workers put penis-shaped rock formation back up in Norway (Washington Post)