Planning a trip, a hike, or simply a relaxing day at home? Find out when the next public holidays are in Norway with our handy guide, updated every year.
On top of the generous vacation allowance built into most employment contracts, residents of Norway also enjoy a number of free days throughout the year.

Norway’s public holidays are a valued time for slowing down, honouring traditions, and embracing nature. From Constitution Day’s vibrant parades to the peaceful observance of Ascension Day, these holidays reveal the country’s strong cultural roots.
Here’s a look at the public holidays in Norway, their history, and how locals celebrate–sometimes with a little more than just a well-deserved break.
Table of Contents
Norway's approach to public holidays
Many of these days—bank holidays as the Brits call them, helligdager as the Norwegians say—are in place for historical religious reasons, or to mark important days in Norway's history.
If you are visiting Norway on one of these days, you can expect the vast majority of shops and many restaurants and other services to be closed.
In some countries including the UK, public holidays fall on a Monday regardless of the actual date in question. In Norway, public holidays (with some exceptions) fall on a specific date.

This means that there are usually some that fall on a weekend, so the number of actual public holiday days in Norway varies each year. Many of the days fall in May and early June, which can lead to a lot of 3-day or 4-day weeks in the run-up to summer.
But it can also mean that we enjoy fewer days off work in some years than others. For example, this year, Norway's Constitution Day falls on a Saturday.
Now, diaries at the ready. Whether you live here or are just planning a trip, here’s what public holidays you can expect from Norway's public holidays in 2025.
New Year's Day
Wednesday 1 January, 2025: A public holiday in all countries that observe the Gregorian calendar, with the exception of Israel. Norwegians tend to celebrate the evening before in a somewhat more subdued fashion than in other countries.
Fireworks are common as the new year arrives. In fact, here in Trondheim, the fireworks display is spectacular, especially if you can find a view all across the city.
However, gatherings tend to be small, family-focused affairs. On New Year's Day itself, Norwegians will most likely head to the hills for a hike.
Thursday 17 April – Monday 21 April, 2025: Because of religious traditions, Norway grants three public holidays for the Easter celebrations. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday are known in Norwegian as skjærtorsdag, langfredag and andre påskedag respectively.
Unlike many other vacation days in Norway, these days always fall on the Thursday, Friday and Monday, guaranteeing a long weekend.

Many locals take one of the adjacent weeks as holiday. The reason? It creates a week-long holiday at the cost of only a few vacation days. In some offices, taking the week before the Easter weekend off is essentially mandatory.
Labour Day
Thursday 1 May, 2025: May Day or International Workers Day is observed in around 80 countries around the world and marks the achievements of the organised labour movement.
In Norway, parades organised by labour unions are a common sight in the major towns. They're not hard to miss, just keep an eye out for the red flags.
In contrast to the purpose of the day, if the 1st of May falls on a weekend, many Norwegians don't get a different day off! Unfortunately that was the case in 2022 as Labour Day fell on a Sunday. The good news is that Labour Day in 2025 is a weekday.
Constitution Day
Saturday 17 May, 2025: Without doubt this is the biggest celebration of the year. Norway's national day starts with children's parades in every community. Typically, this is followed by a parade of community groups, live music and other fun activities.
As a foreigner your first syttende mai will surely be a memorable experience. If you happen to be visiting the country on this day, it will surely be a memorable one too. Just bear in mind you're unlikely to find a table at any restaurant, as they're booked up weeks in advance.

Unfortunately, this year's national day falls on a Saturday, so there won't be a day off work for many people. If you work in retail though, you'll likely be in luck!
The eve of the national day, 16th May, is often a big party, too. So, with this falling on a Friday this year, it will surely be celebrated with gusto this year.
Ascension Day
Thursday 29 May, 2025: Known in Norwegian as Kristi himmelfartsdag, Ascension Day commemorates the ascension of Jesus into heaven 39 days after resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Because of this, the date varies wildly from year to year. Sometimes it falls before Norway’s Constitution Day, and sometimes after. In 2025, it will be after.
Although the actual date varies each year, it always falls on a Thursday. Some companies offer their employees the Friday off for free. Others encourage their staff to take the Friday as a vacation day.
Pinse (Whit Monday / Pentecost)
Monday 9 June, 2025: Also known as Pentecost, Whit Monday is observed ten days after Ascension Day and therefore always falls on a Monday.
The day commemorates the christian belief in the coming of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames to the Apostles, as recorded in the New Testament. In Norway, the holiday is known as pinse.
Christmas Day
Thursday 25 December, 2025: Juledag is a public holiday in Norway despite the main family celebrations taking place on Christmas Eve. Although not technically a public holiday, Christmas Eve sees few people at work, with the main family meal taking place in the evening.

The main festive meal varies by region, with common dishes including lutefisk, pinekjøtt, and baked cod. Read more here about Christmas in Norway.
St. Stephen's Day
Friday 26 December, 2025: Andre juledag is a much-needed day of relaxation after the indulgence of the Christmas festivities.
Much like Easter (and let's face it, pretty much any day of the year!), Norwegians use the day as a reason to get out into the forests and mountains, despite the cold.
Although not a public holiday, I can't finish an article about that topic without mentioning this unique period between Christmas and New Year.
“Romjul” refers to those quiet days, a period in Norway marked by relaxation, family gatherings, and a slower pace. Many Norwegians take time off work to unwind, enjoy cozy indoor activities, or venture outdoors for skiing and hiking.
In fact, some companies insist on holidays being taken at this time. Romjul captures the essence of Norwegian hygge, offering a peaceful close to the holiday season.
Public Holidays in 2026
So, that's 2025 done and dusted! To help with your advance planning, let's go forward in time yet further…
- New Year's Day – January 1 (Thursday)
- Maundy Thursday – April 2 (Thursday)
- Good Friday – April 3 (Friday)
- Easter Sunday – April 5 (Sunday)
- Easter Monday – April 6 (Monday)
- Labour Day – May 1 (Friday)
- Constitution Day – May 17 (Sunday)
- Ascension Day – May 21 (Thursday)
- Whit Sunday (Pentecost) – May 31 (Sunday)
- Whit Monday (Pentecost Monday) – June 1 (Monday)
- Christmas Day – December 25 (Friday)
- St. Stephen's Day (Second Day of Christmas) – December 26 (Saturday)
Are there any other other holidays that America does not have?
Yes, the Gro-dagen.
Se my comment below… (or above…).
J-F Krafft
I think you forgot about pinse.
There is one more day, but this one doesn’t have a specific date, it’s called Gro-dagen. It’s origine is from when we had a prime minister called Gro Harlem Brundtland, she would tolerate any one day off during each calendar year. I haven’t lived in Norway since the early seventies, so I’m not certain of which year this started, nor if it is still practiced.
When is Norway’s Mother’s Day?
Hi David. The Easter holiday dates for 2025 aren’t accurate. FYI! Easter Sunday this year is April 20. (Still love and use your website all the time. Appreciate you!)
D’oh! No idea how that happened. Thanks for the spot! Who’d have thought I’d still be doing this all these years later hey? 😉
Hi David, 17th May 2025 is Saturday.
I’ve read it through several times and every mention of 17th May says it’s a Saturday – what have I missed?